
Ze's take on H Corpus dissolution

the show with zefrank


Some Mash ups in honor of Mashing the Constitution

I am in rage overload, so something funny is in order


One of the worst days I can remember in America

Writ of Habeas Corpus: gone 1215-2006

Adopting a definition of torture more liberal than any civilized country in the world: check

Pardoning the administration retro-actively from war crimes for torture authorization: ready to rock(at least Nixon had Ford do his dirty work)

Dahlia Lithwick has an outstanding article on the subject:
"Now we are affirmatively asking to be left in the dark. Instead of torture we were unaware of, we are sanctioning torture we'll never hear about. Instead of detainees we didn't care about, we are authorizing detentions we'll never know about. Instead of being misled by the president, we will be blind and powerless by our own choice. And that is a shame on us all."

"Maverick" Republican senators(McCain, Graham and Warner) voted on Spector amendment that would have taken suspension of haebus corpus language out of the torture bill: leave it in. They could have swung the 48-51 vote.

Feingold, as always, gets it
Mr. President, a group of retired diplomats sent a very moving letter explaining their concerns about this habeas-stripping provision. Here is what they said: “To proclaim democratic government to the rest of the world as the supreme form of government at the very moment we eliminate the most important avenue of relief from arbitrary governmental detention will not serve our interests in the larger world.”

Here is the real problem facing america
Eat me Mr. President and your cronies walking in lockstep to amend the constitution without Our consent. And for god's sake, please grow a pair Democrats and filibuster this abomination to the greatest document in America.


Killer Whale Belly Hugs a Kayaker

Muppets Take Matrix

What a great idea


There are Defects on the MF'n Plane!!

Pilots are an informed weird bunch of people

WTF is Stewart thinking??

I don't like the fact that Pervez Musharraf was on the daily show tonight. I haven't seen it yet, but TDS is unabashedly "fake news". Blurring the lines only hurts their credibility by becoming news makers. A-list guests are one thing. Please don't make yourself the news John(unless ripping on R Novak).

AOL User history

A great search record of, I'm guessing, someone below the mason-dixon line


My new favorite web site

I love the internet

"Crazed" Clinton

I have to write about on this controversy.
First watch the original interview. Clinton, IMHO, fucking schools Wallace and I love how he keeps trying to answer the original question and Wallace wants to move on.
Second look at the fact checking that has been done about his moves against bin laden and Republican noise machine's backlash.
If you have another 10 minutes Olbermann, and his writers, nail the nail that is on the head.
Billy Kritol is scared. I have never read so many platitudes in one article from him(pre-9/11 of course).
I do believe that his appearance and reaction were calculated. Never underestimate the political savvy of WJ Clinton.
And as usual Stewart kills it

Newsweek scrubs Afghan cover from US editions

American Media clusterF


This is your spider brain on drugs

Drug testing is funny

The First Salvo at the Lame Duckl



SMB theme was lifted?

Very convincing argument about everybody's favorite vid game song. Scroll to bottom of page to listen.

I'm not wearing any pants, film at 11

A video conference junkies dream

Air Homophobes


Let me repeat it "We don't torture"

The GWBush cabal can eat my ass


Outstanding article on CHI/NYC Experimental Chefs

Great discussion on pushing the boundaries of palette.


A voice of reason in the GWB cabinet?

Take the small victories as they come

Dr. Suess Room of death

My what a lovely room of death
-A. Ventura PD

Another reason the DMCA/Microsoft are evil

The new Microsoft "ipod killer" will not even play their own DRM'd "plays for sure" music. This is the reason I still buy CD's, better quality and fair use rights.


I hate proposals at sporting Events

I think this guy will in the future too.

Our Voting is Secure??

Seems that a hotel mini-bar key opens the "secure" Diebold machines. When is an open source non-profit solution going to emerge????

SUVs as a Technology of Regressive Redistribution of Safety

Ford and GM kill people.


Drinkers make on average 10-14% more that TT.


Democrats, don't fuck this up again

Seriously, This vet has been a leader without an army for the last 18 months. As progressives against the war and its execution(a majority of the population) have been looking for some unity against the Christofascist leadership of this country, Rep Murtha has consistently provided a reasonable approach. Here is another idea with well thought out points and concrete actions. I pray that the Dems can finally suck it up and stand up for something and behind this decorated Marine.


God save the queen

Check out this great site for some funny currency pics.

ABC's "docudrama"

I haven't posted anything about the ABC 9-11 $40M epic because it is widely understood as inaccurate (Ollie Stone JFK inaccurately). Personally I do not think they should air the lies, but art is art. It is just too soon. With 45% of the nation STILL thinking that Saddam and Al Qaeda were allies the misinformation will be treated as gospel. God knows this nation need less gospel and more truth.


Great NIN STrek mashup

Kirk V Spock


5 Horrible Years Later

So I was crying tonight watching all the video's right after the the 9-11 attacks and decided to post some of my favorites. When Dan Rather and Letterman say that President Bush is our President and I will line up behind whatever he asks me to do, it was a different climate than what he has turned it into today.
The main reason I was in tears was not really because of the 9-11 tragedy, but the complete squandering of the goodwill we gave our President and the complete ineptness in the reasoning and execution of the Iraq war. I don't want to sound like a bumper sticker but when Clinton lied nobody died.
We are in a long war, but it is not against a verb(terror). We must learn to live in a country that will be attacked indiscriminately. It will not be easy, but attacking nation states where .1% of the population supports/are the terrorists will only exacerbate the situation. It is time for leadership with a vision that unites the world. Our global situation as a country is radically different than when these horrible attacks transpired and there are only a few people to blame(some of which have already been given medals of freedom).


Downing Street Memo part 2

How has the MSM not picked up this story?? This is one of the most damming criticisms of Rummy I have ever heard. Luckily the Daily Press of Hampton Roads VA is on the case.

update1: Now the HuffPo has this story on their front page. Dorkfactorprime 1-0
update2: No disrespect to the Daily Press, they broke the story


An old article more relevant today

Truth is the first causality of war.

Ze speaks at TED

This is that genius guy I was talking about. You will be so much cooler when he is as famous as Bill Ferrell and you can say, "I was watching him back in 06 man, before he sold out"


Ze gets ready for the whoreing about to take place on monday

Ze Frank has just transcended into genius

the show with zefrank

You can take the dirty hippy out of the 60's but

Marijuana use down in teens, up in boomers

If you thought Japaneese TV was wacked out. . .

As if the tongue twister ball smacking show was not enough. Look what this crazy culture puts between the show! P.S. make sure to check out #3.

Drunk pilots

This shit always makes me laugh. I asked one of my pilot friends why more and more pilots are drinking before work and charged with FUI these days. He resopnded "Nothing has changed, they just check now"

Nascar Senators

What is they had to wear their sponsors on their blazers??


Dark side of OZ

OK, We all have heard of this trick, but how many have actually tried it??? I watch the first 30 min stone sober and found it too perfect musically/lyrically to be a coincidence. Start the video at about 16:00 if you don't believe me and keep in mind that the song being player is "The Great Gig in the Sky."

I;m the Juggernaut, Bitch!!

A good old fashioned potty mouth x-men voice over. First part funny, middle slow, end funny as hell.

The war on a verb is not working

Hey all I am sorry about all the political posts lately, but these facts(not truthieness) are too much to look over.

Why 1000 words beats 5

Someone one should have told the marketer that she was at least crouching for NY.

Cross your fingers and we soon will be able to torture

The CIA will finally be able to legally torture people now with this super awesome amendment to the war crimes act!!!

Bush Beatboxn'

Does she not realize that she is being photographed 24/7??

This guy gets it(repeatedly)

I have agreed with Rep. Murtha for the past year and a half. I believe he understands the military better than any representative on the floor. This piece provides another reality based direction the white house needs to take give our current situation.


It must be after labor day election time

Bush says that, five years later, we're still not safe. Forgets to mention that we never were, never will be and that's just the way life is.


i have been waiting months for this!!!!

I am posting this as quickly as I can!!!