

Scotty being an unoriginal bitch

War, what is it good for?

Russ, my man, talking the shit.


Teddy Kennedy (D-drunkeness)

I am not normally a fan of Teddy Kennedy, but this speech on the Senate floor is the real deal. Go about 4 minutes in to see the passion of the Camelot.


Iraq driving

Word Play

from Demetri Martin

game set match = tennis

set match run = arson

AMC Motors is Sneaky

Go here and search for flux. Check out the model number

Chuck Hagel (R-NE, rockstar)

My new favorite Republican. The guy is a truth to power sayer. If Hillary is the D nominee I'd vote for him.

this great response to the Penguin is the super bitch slap

UPDATE: Muling a presidential run

Diebold Retards

The Diebold voting machine key has been copied from a picture on their website. These are the security experts that control our election.


Has Everyone had more sex Than Me?


Russ is my co-pilot

Russ, I love you.


David Blane Sucks


Billy on Jamacia

Barbershop Ewok

Oil, sweet sweet crude

American's demand for oil dropped a point last year. Increased price = lower demand???? Durrrrrrrrrr.


Car Dealers tell it like it is



I will be at my friends wedding in Jamaica until Tuesday so the Factor DFP will be on hiatus. Go outside you internet junkies!

Chicago chefs are bad ass

The Chicago foie gras ban is being disregarded by top chefs. I totally agree with them. Keep government out of my haute cusine. If I want a goose fed only cream with a tube until their liver is the size of a pumpkin and they die, give it to me!



I am officially calling a political moratorium for 2 weeks on dorkfactorprime for the USA's intervention in Somalia. The USA, in my opinion, is waging a holy war. The last straw is the Ethiopian and Somalian struggle in Africa. How can a country founded and affirmed as a nation seeking secularism pick sides in a variety of religious wars across the world?? As Micheal Franti laments our leaders thoughts and actions, "They say Fuck the Constitution, are we looking for a war or a Solution?"
We have changed the congress 3 months ago and now We need to stand up against our Colonial President.
(Since it is my last political post for 2 weeks I needed to get the lead out)



As a progressive democrat I like keeping the taxes fair. The AMT is starting to infringe on that. Read more here.


Kay's Graduation Party

Iraq will cost $2T dollars. . . durrrrr!

a UK Economist say's the the Iraq debacle will cost 2 trillion dollars. Sure, it costs us 3B a week in now money. This economist takes the real look at lifetime health care, getting the sand out of the cracks of our. . .tanks, and retraining another mindless killing force.
Worst War Ever(redundant, I know)

Best of Unnecessary Censorship

Win Ben Stein's money, unfunny when Kimmel left
Man Show, really unfunny when Kimmel left
Face it, the guy is hilarious


Roundabout Hell

China heading S


Church vs State
State vs Church

All successful and lasting relationships are symbiotic. This new Buddhism Congresswoman extols those virtues

Net Non-Nutrality

In the effort of bi-interntism I want to post a great interview with an intellectual that is for net discrimination. I don't agree with some of his core tenants, but a hybrid approach is what he hints at and is worth a read. Know your enemy.


Karma Get's the Grape Lady



Voice Of God Revealed To Be Cheney On Intercom

The Onion

Voice Of God Revealed To Be Cheney On Intercom

WASHINGTON, DC-In one intercom-exchange transcript, a voice identifies himself as "the Lord thy God" and promotes the invasion of Iraq.


Bret is my co-pilot