
A drive through Crockets

Here is a great drive through the mighty crocketts where you might meet a couple friends.


Bob Ross 30 minute qualude. . . I mean interlude

More WiscDell Media fo yo ass

The Dells Party continues


Some choice Wisco Dellio

This man has 4 choice things. Lawn Mower. Cadallic. Permanent Mobile Home, and Ass Shorts.

DFP has gone polymedia

Here is the first video from this weekend at Crockett's camp ground a smidge north of WI Dells.

Cats that look like hitler

Title says it all

Spending it like Monopoly PLASTIC??

This makes me sad. I don't want to sound old, but monopoly should stay a faith based physical faux-legal tender. By the way, did any of you bring the money from your set to your friends house and juice your stack?? Now I will have to invest in a mag strip reader.


Human Space Invaders(an oxymoron I know)

Here is an outstanding re-creation of an Atari classic.


Cable News put in its place

Nancy Grace is horrible. Can you believe the tone she is taking with her. She is 18 for jeebus sakes. As painful it is, it's worth watching it to the end for the final zinger, trust me.


Dells Ahoy

So this weekend is the big camping trip in the Wisco Dells. 20 of my closest friends, 20 cases of beer, and dodge ball del mar is on the itinerary. It looks like my sister is coming up as well. Pictures will be posted once I get back.

Absolut Marathon



Sasha Baron Cohen is one of the funniest comics of our generation. He puts his body on the line on the same order as Billy Farell

Elephant turds, nuff said

They look like burritos


Carnivores Need not apply

Here is a super good recipe that is sans meat
Check out the website in general, very good foodie stuff.


Keep the Bush Bashing going

I love Germans

This baby is way too informed for his age



WWTDD.com does not like the snaggletooth


This one is for Billy G

mmmmmmmmmm porkrinds


Photoshop gone fun

Kids Nightmare

PB and child

These people say it was an accident but I don't believe them.

A real evaluation of the NSA

This is a great shortish read about the probability of what the NSA is really doing.

Italy Vs France

The winners get to write the history


The Garden State Effect

I found a nice post trying to define the ever difficult difference between mainstream and indie love