

Currently at the start of Minnebar in St Paul, MN. TONS of people! I am currently going to attend the "Designing for Use" meetup. This is one of the ones I am really looking forward to. More video and pictures to follow


Kodak guy goes Ape

It starts out dry, but around a minute in gets totally crazy. Favorite quote "now you won't have to be a Navajo codebreaker to use digital."


Star Spangled Marvin

Why do all the greats die so young?


Focus, live

This is an amazing live performance of Hocus Pocus by Focus. EZ this post is for you.

God Bless you, Mr. Vonnegut

RIP 1923-2007


"We do not torture"

Wow. The career professionals in the armed forces warned the Bushies that torture would not produce reliable info, would be hard to use in court, and would maybe be unethical. Fuck you Jack Bauer.


Colbert is Bad for the World


Chenny is lurking in the Bush's

Best pull away shot ever.


The Apocalypse is Near and wearing a Black Turtleneck

The music label EMI is going to sell their music on itunes DRM free. I said it, no digital rights management. Higher quality, lower barrier to entry and higher price (1.30/track). Steve Ducey said it best, "this is going to be huuuuuugggeeeee."
It looks like I will finally start to use the itunes music store. I was boycotting it for this very reason.
If you do not understand the significance of this, start a thread in the comments section for discussion.