
Jesus Saves

A NC congressmen said that the trouble in Iraq could be solved if the word of the Lord was spread to that region. I know Bush has called the war in Iraq a "crusade", but damn. It also show a basic lack of understanding of the Muslim faith, because Jesus is in it and they still think he is a cool dude.
“Everything depends on everyone learning about the birth of the savior,”

Noah's Ark was badass

The Bush administration and their appointees will not give the geological age of the Grand Canyon. Instead they say it was created by the flood of Noah's Ark. You can't make this shit up.

Dubai is growing(understatment)

Check out the future and current plans for Dubai. 800m skyscraper? Man made islands? yup.

The Neo-Con Movement is Finally Dead

PFANAC (Project for a New American Century) is closing its doors. Old white guys with a severe military-industrial complex, had it wrong about American Imperialism, and our young men and women in Service paid the ultimate price.


Darwin Award Winner

Overzealous zookeeper Friedrich Riesfeldt (Paderborn, Germany) fed his constipated elephant Stefan 22 doses of animal laxative and more than a bushel of berries, figs and prunes before the plugged-up pachyderm finally let it fly, and suffocated the keeper under 200 pounds of poop!

Investigators say ill-fated Friedrich, 46, was attempting to give the ailing elephant an olive oil enema when the relieved beast unloaded on him. "The sheer force of the elephant's unexpected defecation knocked Mr. Riesfeldt to the ground, where he struck his head on a rock and lay unconscious as the elephant continued to evacuate his bowels on top of him" said flabbergasted Paderborn police detective Erik Dern. "With no one there to help him, he lay under all that dung for at least an hour before a watchman came along, and during that time he suffocated."

Barney V 2Pac

I know there have been a lot of vids, but this is an super-deuper mashup

DIck in a Box

If you have not viewed this amazing piece of meme then check it out not.
I originally thought it was cock in a box, but I guess it was a dick

Time stole The Cohen Brother's idea

Time's pick is soooo stupid and apparently a rip off.


Juan Cole on Iraq

This guy is the real deal. Read Informed Content everyday.

TO is a Bitch

Gerald Ford, 1913-2006


Best Fight Scene Eva

He was an Ass Shaker

James B, RIP's


Mt Hood Deaths

One of my best friends, who is a Mt. Hood vet., has some words to say about the recent tradgety.

Hood can be as dangerous or benign as one makes it. It kills people nearly every year and is also summitted by over 1000. The three guys, each more experienced than me I believe, were on the mountain for the first time. They were doing a difficult route, the north face, which has about a 2500-foot or so section of 60-65 degree ice, which feels almost vertical. I haven't done that route, but have done one with about 300 feet of 70-degree ice on Mt. Rainier. On technical routes like that, you "carryover," meaning you take every bit of gear you have to the summit, then descend a less technical route because down-climbing near-vertical ice blows serious ass - in this case that non-technical descent route was the south side. When a carryover is done, every effort is made to go as "light" as possible, meaning that little more than the bare essentials are brought to cut down on weight. This low weight equates to speed, which equates to safety on a long, exposed route such as this, which pretty much needs to get done the same day it is started because there really aren't any good places to bivouac (camp) for the night. It's unlikely these guys brought heavy, warm gear for hunkering down, nor is it likely they had much extra food or fuel to melt snow for water. It seems like one guy got a dislocated shoulder, which slowed the group. Upon summitting, owing to poor visibility and their unfamiliarity with the peak, they couldn't find their way down the south (nontechnical) side. Having been on the top of that mountain 10 times or so, I can tell you that that safest way down (south side) isn't immediately obvious from the summit. It is a semi-precarious chute called the "pearly gates" of about 35-40 degrees, but just below it, the slope mellows and it's an easy (and long) walk down. They couldn't find it, so they attempted to descend the north face route that they had just come up (horrible prospect). The only way to safely descend that route would be to rappel it, which would be insanely tedious and really dangerous, especially with fresh snow falling and increasing avalanche danger. A piece of gear, such as an ice screw or picket would have to be left with each rappel, and, if their rope was like most others, they'd only be able to rappel 100 feet or so at a time before having to place another screw or picket to set up another anchor point. I hear a lot of people (fellow pilots, every time I've flown over the mountain since this deal began) that don't know what they're talking about call these guys stupid for doing the mountain in the winter. The truth is, that route is only "in" for about a month or so each year, usually around December. In early season (Feb-Apr or so), the route is covered in loads of snow, which leads to avalanche danger. Later in the season (Jun-Aug), when most people climb the mountain via other routes, this route warms up and rockfall is copious (they whiz by you and sound like bullets in a movie - seriously, and they freakin' hurt if they're small and kill you if they're big). Ironically, my buddy and I talked of doing this route about the same time these guys did about a week prior to the incident but didn't go because of the weather.

So, to answer your question, I think these guys knew what they were doing, and a nasty sequence of events (dude getting hurt, crap weather, and their inability to find the correct descent route) got them into a really, really, rough situation. I have pictures of the north face, and several of the summit and pearly gates if you guys would like me to post them.


A Milwaukee based company sells festivus poles. Miltown rules!

Oldie but a Goodie

God Warrior


More Bigotry

Looks like the Republican hate machine is turning its sight to my man again. I always thought that the Religious Right saw our action in the Middle East as a holy war. It is scary to see it in print.


I am about at my breaking point with these congregational bigots.


Barcamp Madison

Yo Yo Yo.
Barcamp Madison is in full effect March 3-4!! Sign up @ barcampmadison.com and get ready to nerd out with the best of them.
Read, edit and sign up on the wiki.
If you don't know what a wiki is, don't come.

Soccer Goalie Goodness

Bush is a liar (I am not feeling creative today)

Bushie has said repeatedly that he listens to his Generals and does what they want him to do.
Unless he disagrees with it.


The Shrub should be Burned

I don't normally like diatribes about Bush. It is too easy to do after all. But this one is measured and mostly correct. Please give it a full read because it is very pragmatic.

My Hero Supported HDTV

I love Fred. He warms my cockles.

Another reason not to Vote for Hilliary

Finally HC comes to her senses and sees that the Iraq war is not a winning issue in 08'. Too little too late. Even though Karl will be out in 08' does not mean that the Right's machine won't pounce on this day.

Most Secretive Administration Continued

Bush and the Bushites are busy again making sure what we don't know can't hurt us.


Kay Graduated

My sister graduated today in 5.5 yrs.




Broart Wins in Court, very nice

The biggots in the camper in Borat lost their money grab against SBC.

Kay and John this is for you

This is a case of causation reflecting correlation. Veggies are smarter than meatheads.

I play Trombone and Dance

This was when I ran away form home and performed at SATA.

I agree

I hate WB but this time he may be right

US/Mexi Border built with Illegals

I knew this was going to happen! A US firm has been busted for hiring illegals to build the US/Mexico fence!!!!!


Craiglist is for Communists

Craig Newmark, of craiglist.com fame is fucking awesome. At an analysts meeting the, analysts could not wrap their heads around the CEO's desire not to maximize profits (craigslist currently has no advertising).
Craig is a multi-millionaire and wants to preserve the goodness and purity that is Craigslist.
Internet-altruism 1
Capitalist-pigs 0


Stop Motion Music


The Onion is brilliant

Clinton Finally Takes Responsibility For Bush Administration's Failures

Waxman get his sepeona pen warmed up

Oh man, these are going to be a fun 2 years in politics. In the latest, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) future chair of some hardcore committee sent a letter to Rummy on his way out. It goes into detail about war profiteering.
A must read.


The Munchkin is in the ring!!!

Finishing up a big political day, it looks like the cutest little Senator, Denny Kucinich is going to be running again!! I like it because, like if Russ ran, he will force issues that the DLC and RNC don't want to talk about. It hopefully will make the pro-Iraq dem's(Hillary) unacceptable.
Quote from the Cleavland Plain Dealer:

U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich is running for president – yes -- of the United States.

Another thing to you Gore and Kerry. You get one chance as the nominee. I know Al won in 2000, but Kerry is a spineless idiot.

Kofi Smack's the Bushies

Too little too late there SecGen Annan. Wish you would have grown a pair 3 years ago. I also find it very funny that the Republicans fault you for corruption. That's rich.

I think I am oficially supporting Obama 08'

With Russ no longer in the running, Hillary being a political lightning rod like I have never seen in my short life, Kucinich is a munchkin, I am officially supporting Obama as my Candidate. Obama/Edwards or Obama/Clinton or Obama/Feingold would be my current dream ticket because: Obama Edwards would literately change the poles of the Earth with the amount of Magnetism they would have together. Obama/Clinton would be a fund-raising juggernaut and she is the wife of the first figurative black president. Obama/Feingold, Black/Jew. . . never mind that won't happen.
I can't wait to look back on this post in a year.

Not a good day for P2P sharing

A new decision came down that says that even sharing a folder on a P2P network = distribution. Why does this matter? One of the key defenses of most P2P cases is on a part for the copyright code that says you are not infringing unless you distribute. In most cases the definition of distribute has always applied to physical copies. This is most likely a non-precedent setting case, but also shows that the RIAA team is honing their skills to bring more draconian provisions via Congress.


Craig's List is awsome

The title of this one is; Ladies of my office, I hate you.


ISG gets a smack, Russ style

I like Russ more in the senate. I really do. That way he can talk like this.


Onion is funny

Holiday Advertisers Seek Coveted Dicktard Demographic

The Onion

Holiday Advertisers Seek Coveted Dicktard Demographic

NEW YORK—A series of brightly colored and inoffensive ad campaigns will also target the key fuckbrain and asshat market segments.

Vista's Key Gen Server Cracked

In a dorkier post, but hilariousness nevertheless, the new version of Windows has a "key server" which unlocks the program. Which boils down to free Windows Vista.
I love America.


This one is a gem

Things my girlfriend and I have argued about. The website tells it all.



Were building permanent bases on the MF MOON.


Timmy Russert grows a pair

Check Tim on MTP snap on the new guy!! I likey


Asteroid's Revenge

Play Atari's Asteroid from the Roid's POV

Kitchen Aid Rules

This is why you buy the Kitchen Aid


The End of the Walmart Era??

Walmart's earnings forecasts are not hitting the bar. I have not shopped their for 6 years. Speak with your dollars folks.

Human Creativity

Using a pig race to deter the building of a mosque. Only in Texas

NYC can Keep it's Fois!!

Sorry Veggies out there, sister Kay, but NYC can keep it's sweet delectiable foie gras, for now. . .

Nintento Wii is breaking a lot of TV's

Goto this link because the headline is great.

O' Riley has an Anchorman moment, full-on

O' Riley is a Secular Progressive. Bill-O wishes everyone a Happy Holidays and realizes what he said, almost craps his pants, any then stumbles all over himself. A thing of beauty and must watch.


I love Wisco

Deer Hunting opening week in WI inflates unemployment rate by 20%. WISCO4LIFE


Kid Rock like Borat, not so much

Holly crap I hope this is not why Kid Rock broke it off. But he just might be that stupid.



NBC shows some sanity

NBC News outlets are now calling the struggle to: find WMD's, dethrone Saddam, liberate the Iraq's, bring democracy to the Middle East exactly what it has been for at least the past 6 months
Civil War
Watch their mea culpa here


Walmart gets 1 point

The Christian Coalition boycotts Walmart for being pro gay

Hippies still trying to ruin country

You might think this is an onion article, but it is not

OJ + News Corp. = Crazy MF'ers

Murdochs at his best

Ze on options for Iraq


PS3 Jamacian people crazzzzy

Shootings, face+flagpole, muggings. All par for PS3 launch day.

UPDATE: John Edwards need a PS3 as well

UPDATE 2: Mother tries to delay labor while in line


Murtha Rocks!!

If he wasn't old and a man, I'd kiss him. Full on lips, not that Borat triple cheek thing.

Russ warms my heart

check out this excellent dissection of Russ and beltway politicos. I am sad he is not running, but how much of a chance did a twice divorced Jew really have??


Bush the debater???

Look at Bush in this TX Gov debate against Gov. Richards (RIP). I saw this during the 2004 election and still is scary


I'm Batman

60 minutes with a larger cast

Crazy Frog Bro's

These guys are the next internet sensation


Stop Motion rockout

The Drum and Key's stop motion are super fantastic


You man and mine, Russ, is going to sit out the 08' cycle. Obama Feingold??


RIP Jack

It was about the war AND Katrina

22 Family's have received their Katrina relief out of 70,000 applicants!


Teeth Grinders

The Onion is funny

Rush is off the Wagon

Rush Speedbaul says he can finally stop shilling for the neo-cons. Finally his integrity can be restored.


Victory Song

What a beautiful day!!!

Oil is sooooo 20th century

Those Irish bastards have some up with a way to desalinize the ocean using waves!!

I hate the Day after Election Day

I hate the day after election day because none of the races that matter are decided yet. Looks like Maccawitz is in trouble.

Midterm Midtacular

I going to bed. Looks like a re-count in VA, and MT is is a time zone too far for me to stay up. Eat corn hole Joe Lieberman.


Rocket Scientist my Ass.

The Shuttle may be delayed because their internal clocks cannot handle a new year!!!

A man a plan a canal, Panama

this list is palindromific. I have not heard of many of these

Pastor, son unearth sea reptile fossil

Best yahoo headline ever. Must be 5,999 years old


Fun with tests

Here are some fun test answers

Jurassic Park

Prepare for Dinosaur attack


No Wonder Vinnie Snuck In The Window

Doogie was my nickname in Junior High. I still have love for the NPH.

Rummy is Doney

Holy Cow shit. It looks as though lame duck phase 4 is in effect 3 days before the middle term election.


When he was on the Bucks I called him an alien. Now I just have a pic to go with the 37 year old ET.


Google Rulz

Check this out. Google "worst band in the world" and what returns? Creed. Once again Google has all the answers

What Tuesday is all about

From Truth Digg,
May I remind you what this election is about? Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, unprecedented presidential powers, unmatched incompetence, unparalleled corruption, unwarranted eavesdropping, Katrina, Enron, Halliburton, global warming, Cheney’s secret energy task force, record oil company profits, $3 gasoline, FEMA, the Supreme Court, Diebold, Florida in 2000, Ohio in 2004, Terri Schiavo, stem cell research, golden parachutes, shrunken pensions, unavailable and expensive healthcare, habeas corpus, no weapons of mass destruction, sacrificed soldiers and Iraqi civilians, wasted billions, Taliban resurgence, expiration of the assault weapons ban, North Korea, Iran, intelligent design, Swift boat hit squads, and on and on.


Best Pie Chart ever


Man on the run

Ol' Dick gettn' ready for a Congress with sepeona power!


Pole Physics

Nerds breaking down the forces involved in pole dancing.



These people are gravity masters

Food Pr0n

I will be making this soon


Craiglist is for Lovers

Wanted: Road Head

Colbert's Wiki

Steven is the most powerful man on the internet today


Real Photo a day

This photo a day montage is a great parody of the people that take this shit seriously.


The End of the World


Do NOT watch on drugs

Poodle+Workout video=F'd Up


UW-Madison, those silly progressives

Go Google go

9-11 Debunk

Watch the pros debunk the conspiracy theorists here


24 hours of LeMons[sic]

Check out this ultimate endro


The Onion is freaky

Notice the Onion's soothsaying circa 2002




My job is . . .

Stewart's writers run circles around the Bush PR machine.


0 to Ragehol in 2.5

Best range of emotion ever.


Ben and Jerry's goes into super-hippy status

I love these fat fucks

Tarintino would be proud

Brownie, Bushie, pedophiliac


Rush agrees w/ Murtha

Lame Duck phase 2. Rush agrees and echo's Murtha circa 2005.

Awsome review of a shitty band



Irony is dripping

Notice this is dated in 2003


Wayne 4 Prez


Ze's take on H Corpus dissolution

the show with zefrank


Some Mash ups in honor of Mashing the Constitution

I am in rage overload, so something funny is in order


One of the worst days I can remember in America

Writ of Habeas Corpus: gone 1215-2006

Adopting a definition of torture more liberal than any civilized country in the world: check

Pardoning the administration retro-actively from war crimes for torture authorization: ready to rock(at least Nixon had Ford do his dirty work)

Dahlia Lithwick has an outstanding article on the subject:
"Now we are affirmatively asking to be left in the dark. Instead of torture we were unaware of, we are sanctioning torture we'll never hear about. Instead of detainees we didn't care about, we are authorizing detentions we'll never know about. Instead of being misled by the president, we will be blind and powerless by our own choice. And that is a shame on us all."

"Maverick" Republican senators(McCain, Graham and Warner) voted on Spector amendment that would have taken suspension of haebus corpus language out of the torture bill: leave it in. They could have swung the 48-51 vote.

Feingold, as always, gets it
Mr. President, a group of retired diplomats sent a very moving letter explaining their concerns about this habeas-stripping provision. Here is what they said: “To proclaim democratic government to the rest of the world as the supreme form of government at the very moment we eliminate the most important avenue of relief from arbitrary governmental detention will not serve our interests in the larger world.”

Here is the real problem facing america
Eat me Mr. President and your cronies walking in lockstep to amend the constitution without Our consent. And for god's sake, please grow a pair Democrats and filibuster this abomination to the greatest document in America.


Killer Whale Belly Hugs a Kayaker

Muppets Take Matrix

What a great idea


There are Defects on the MF'n Plane!!

Pilots are an informed weird bunch of people

WTF is Stewart thinking??

I don't like the fact that Pervez Musharraf was on the daily show tonight. I haven't seen it yet, but TDS is unabashedly "fake news". Blurring the lines only hurts their credibility by becoming news makers. A-list guests are one thing. Please don't make yourself the news John(unless ripping on R Novak).

AOL User history

A great search record of, I'm guessing, someone below the mason-dixon line


My new favorite web site

I love the internet

"Crazed" Clinton

I have to write about on this controversy.
First watch the original interview. Clinton, IMHO, fucking schools Wallace and I love how he keeps trying to answer the original question and Wallace wants to move on.
Second look at the fact checking that has been done about his moves against bin laden and Republican noise machine's backlash.
If you have another 10 minutes Olbermann, and his writers, nail the nail that is on the head.
Billy Kritol is scared. I have never read so many platitudes in one article from him(pre-9/11 of course).
I do believe that his appearance and reaction were calculated. Never underestimate the political savvy of WJ Clinton.
And as usual Stewart kills it

Newsweek scrubs Afghan cover from US editions

American Media clusterF


This is your spider brain on drugs

Drug testing is funny

The First Salvo at the Lame Duckl



SMB theme was lifted?

Very convincing argument about everybody's favorite vid game song. Scroll to bottom of page to listen.

I'm not wearing any pants, film at 11

A video conference junkies dream

Air Homophobes


Let me repeat it "We don't torture"

The GWBush cabal can eat my ass


Outstanding article on CHI/NYC Experimental Chefs

Great discussion on pushing the boundaries of palette.


A voice of reason in the GWB cabinet?

Take the small victories as they come

Dr. Suess Room of death

My what a lovely room of death
-A. Ventura PD

Another reason the DMCA/Microsoft are evil

The new Microsoft "ipod killer" will not even play their own DRM'd "plays for sure" music. This is the reason I still buy CD's, better quality and fair use rights.


I hate proposals at sporting Events

I think this guy will in the future too.

Our Voting is Secure??

Seems that a hotel mini-bar key opens the "secure" Diebold machines. When is an open source non-profit solution going to emerge????

SUVs as a Technology of Regressive Redistribution of Safety

Ford and GM kill people.


Drinkers make on average 10-14% more that TT.


Democrats, don't fuck this up again

Seriously, This vet has been a leader without an army for the last 18 months. As progressives against the war and its execution(a majority of the population) have been looking for some unity against the Christofascist leadership of this country, Rep Murtha has consistently provided a reasonable approach. Here is another idea with well thought out points and concrete actions. I pray that the Dems can finally suck it up and stand up for something and behind this decorated Marine.


God save the queen

Check out this great site for some funny currency pics.

ABC's "docudrama"

I haven't posted anything about the ABC 9-11 $40M epic because it is widely understood as inaccurate (Ollie Stone JFK inaccurately). Personally I do not think they should air the lies, but art is art. It is just too soon. With 45% of the nation STILL thinking that Saddam and Al Qaeda were allies the misinformation will be treated as gospel. God knows this nation need less gospel and more truth.


Great NIN STrek mashup

Kirk V Spock


5 Horrible Years Later

So I was crying tonight watching all the video's right after the the 9-11 attacks and decided to post some of my favorites. When Dan Rather and Letterman say that President Bush is our President and I will line up behind whatever he asks me to do, it was a different climate than what he has turned it into today.
The main reason I was in tears was not really because of the 9-11 tragedy, but the complete squandering of the goodwill we gave our President and the complete ineptness in the reasoning and execution of the Iraq war. I don't want to sound like a bumper sticker but when Clinton lied nobody died.
We are in a long war, but it is not against a verb(terror). We must learn to live in a country that will be attacked indiscriminately. It will not be easy, but attacking nation states where .1% of the population supports/are the terrorists will only exacerbate the situation. It is time for leadership with a vision that unites the world. Our global situation as a country is radically different than when these horrible attacks transpired and there are only a few people to blame(some of which have already been given medals of freedom).


Downing Street Memo part 2

How has the MSM not picked up this story?? This is one of the most damming criticisms of Rummy I have ever heard. Luckily the Daily Press of Hampton Roads VA is on the case.

update1: Now the HuffPo has this story on their front page. Dorkfactorprime 1-0
update2: No disrespect to the Daily Press, they broke the story


An old article more relevant today

Truth is the first causality of war.

Ze speaks at TED

This is that genius guy I was talking about. You will be so much cooler when he is as famous as Bill Ferrell and you can say, "I was watching him back in 06 man, before he sold out"


Ze gets ready for the whoreing about to take place on monday

Ze Frank has just transcended into genius

the show with zefrank

You can take the dirty hippy out of the 60's but

Marijuana use down in teens, up in boomers

If you thought Japaneese TV was wacked out. . .

As if the tongue twister ball smacking show was not enough. Look what this crazy culture puts between the show! P.S. make sure to check out #3.

Drunk pilots

This shit always makes me laugh. I asked one of my pilot friends why more and more pilots are drinking before work and charged with FUI these days. He resopnded "Nothing has changed, they just check now"

Nascar Senators

What is they had to wear their sponsors on their blazers??


Dark side of OZ

OK, We all have heard of this trick, but how many have actually tried it??? I watch the first 30 min stone sober and found it too perfect musically/lyrically to be a coincidence. Start the video at about 16:00 if you don't believe me and keep in mind that the song being player is "The Great Gig in the Sky."

I;m the Juggernaut, Bitch!!

A good old fashioned potty mouth x-men voice over. First part funny, middle slow, end funny as hell.

The war on a verb is not working

Hey all I am sorry about all the political posts lately, but these facts(not truthieness) are too much to look over.

Why 1000 words beats 5

Someone one should have told the marketer that she was at least crouching for NY.

Cross your fingers and we soon will be able to torture

The CIA will finally be able to legally torture people now with this super awesome amendment to the war crimes act!!!

Bush Beatboxn'

Does she not realize that she is being photographed 24/7??

This guy gets it(repeatedly)

I have agreed with Rep. Murtha for the past year and a half. I believe he understands the military better than any representative on the floor. This piece provides another reality based direction the white house needs to take give our current situation.


It must be after labor day election time

Bush says that, five years later, we're still not safe. Forgets to mention that we never were, never will be and that's just the way life is.


i have been waiting months for this!!!!

I am posting this as quickly as I can!!!


Feingold '08

I love this man
Feingold '08: The National Review "Endorses" Senator Feingold


Silly Canuk's

What will those crazy Canadians do next???


WU Orleans

Great Mashup of dixie swing and the WTC
Check out When the Meth comes marching in

The Yes Men Strike Again

The Yes Men take over a HUD presentation in NO


Don't get your stewardass kicked next flight

Kung Fu Air

Feingold gets it

Please elect more people like Russ

Sconnie Tailgate pride

There is a great journal entry about a crazy Wisco tailgating weekend


Segways are for chumps

I really want one of these things

Katrina, 1 year later

Think Progress has an excellent timeline of what has/hasn't happened 1 year later.



This is a freaky bitch, click on her and drop acid. . . now

Seattle and Oak Brook take over the world

McDee's and The Buck are really taking over the planet


When I drink alone I prefer to be by myself

Milwaukee rounds out the top of the important surveys in Forbes


Open Letter's are funny

This guy gives Bill a piece of his mind


Die Walmart, Die

On no, now Walmart is going to have to cut back employee benefits.


Jimmy Kimmel is funny, I forgot

Kimmel has this over bleepin' habit that is 40 minutes of fun


I hate this haiyarmpitfuker so much. . .

Karl Rove can rot in a special place in hell


Terrorism response, Ze style

Ze strikes again with a measured, thoughtful, and searing commentary on the foiled plot at LHR.

the show with zefrank


We do not torture

But if we did, let's just make sure it is retro-actively legal

Beards (not the Rosie O'Donnel kind)

The Championship is back


Word of the day - Pajamahadeen

definition: liberal bloggers bent on destroying America/Joe Lieberman
via: Crazy Chris Mathews on Hardball


Fuck Pop, Soda 4Life

I like how eastern wisco is the hold out in a sea of pop.

AOL is retarded (not in the good sense that the kids today use)

What kind of world does AOL live in?? How could something like this actually get published? Class action law suite anyone??? I know the gay black overbite guy is in!

update: here are some more data mined fun stuff
update2: This is the scariest user so far
update3: Gay black man w/ overbite



This kid is the AK47 assain


The Onion on Mel

The Onion does another great mashup of world events

Total eclipse of the heart (appliance mayhem style)

These guys are the most German and destructive cover band ever!!!!!


Jeopardy Blog

Ken Jennings, the super jeopardy champ, has his own blog that I have been following and is really pretty randomly good.

Japan TV is nutty(hehe nutty)

These people did not know that it was a tongue twisting ball whacking contest

Stupid high criminals

Babbling naked man draws police to pot farm, ignores pepper spray. Mmmmm... pepper spray


A drive through Crockets

Here is a great drive through the mighty crocketts where you might meet a couple friends.


Bob Ross 30 minute qualude. . . I mean interlude

More WiscDell Media fo yo ass

The Dells Party continues


Some choice Wisco Dellio

This man has 4 choice things. Lawn Mower. Cadallic. Permanent Mobile Home, and Ass Shorts.

DFP has gone polymedia

Here is the first video from this weekend at Crockett's camp ground a smidge north of WI Dells.

Cats that look like hitler

Title says it all

Spending it like Monopoly PLASTIC??

This makes me sad. I don't want to sound old, but monopoly should stay a faith based physical faux-legal tender. By the way, did any of you bring the money from your set to your friends house and juice your stack?? Now I will have to invest in a mag strip reader.


Human Space Invaders(an oxymoron I know)

Here is an outstanding re-creation of an Atari classic.


Cable News put in its place

Nancy Grace is horrible. Can you believe the tone she is taking with her. She is 18 for jeebus sakes. As painful it is, it's worth watching it to the end for the final zinger, trust me.


Dells Ahoy

So this weekend is the big camping trip in the Wisco Dells. 20 of my closest friends, 20 cases of beer, and dodge ball del mar is on the itinerary. It looks like my sister is coming up as well. Pictures will be posted once I get back.

Absolut Marathon



Sasha Baron Cohen is one of the funniest comics of our generation. He puts his body on the line on the same order as Billy Farell

Elephant turds, nuff said

They look like burritos


Carnivores Need not apply

Here is a super good recipe that is sans meat
Check out the website in general, very good foodie stuff.


Keep the Bush Bashing going

I love Germans

This baby is way too informed for his age



WWTDD.com does not like the snaggletooth


This one is for Billy G

mmmmmmmmmm porkrinds


Photoshop gone fun

Kids Nightmare

PB and child

These people say it was an accident but I don't believe them.

A real evaluation of the NSA

This is a great shortish read about the probability of what the NSA is really doing.

Italy Vs France

The winners get to write the history


The Garden State Effect

I found a nice post trying to define the ever difficult difference between mainstream and indie love


Intellectual property redux

Here is a good reason trademark and copyright needs to be modified

Nature is cool

Here are birds acting crazy


I love Terri Hatcher


Virgin post

Here is the first link of many, unless I flame out.