
I think I am oficially supporting Obama 08'

With Russ no longer in the running, Hillary being a political lightning rod like I have never seen in my short life, Kucinich is a munchkin, I am officially supporting Obama as my Candidate. Obama/Edwards or Obama/Clinton or Obama/Feingold would be my current dream ticket because: Obama Edwards would literately change the poles of the Earth with the amount of Magnetism they would have together. Obama/Clinton would be a fund-raising juggernaut and she is the wife of the first figurative black president. Obama/Feingold, Black/Jew. . . never mind that won't happen.
I can't wait to look back on this post in a year.

1 <--these many "people" got something to say :

  1. jdavid.net said...

    Even though I am not a democrat, I would like to see Obama run, he is an truly intelligent man with charisma to spare. I think if someone is going to offer some healing between the red team and the blue team, Obama can do it.