
Are you an American?

You all have heard how hard the naturalization test is to become a citizen. Take a practice test and see if you can beat my %90 (which was bullshit because the second to last question asks what form number to use to apply for citizenship).
I also don't like the phraseology of the last question. The 1st amendment does not guarantee "freedom of religion", it disallows the creation of a state sponsored religion. This is picky and logically is basically the same. I mention it because I have been in arguments with religios about this guarantee, and they bust out that difference to support ID, creationism, and prayer in school.

2 <--these many "people" got something to say :

  1. Chris the Bartender said...

    Yeah, so my 95% means I'm more American than you. Have fun moving to Canada you hippie liberal!!

    (Damn that form N-400 Application for Naturalization... gets me every time.)

  2. KeVroN said...

    Canada is looking better and better